miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

¿Que es un autor?

"¿Qué es un autor?", se preguntaron en el origen de todo los fotógrafos Sebastián Freire y Paola Cortés Rocca cuando se juntaron a pensar en un proyecto que reuniese imágenes de escritores argentinos.

Muestra fotográfica: ¿Que es un autor?

Have a look at the video and answer the following questions:

Have you ever seen these authors before? Have you ever read something from them? What?

Now read the article.

The authors mention that they are planning to continue with the project and include more authors from the region. What authors would you include? Name one.

4 comentarios:

  1. I´d include María Elena Walsh, Garcia Márquez among others.

  2. I had never seen those authors before and I don`t know their names either. I think I haven`t read any of their pieces of writing.
    I agree with gisela that I would include Maria Elena Walsh because she is an icon to me. She reminds me of my childhood when my mother bought her books to me and I listened to her songs.

  3. I don't know any of these writers but I agree with the girls that maria elena walsh is a great author. Also roald dahl is one of my favouries , he has written lots of insteresting books and short stories. In our country there is a priest who writes stories for children related to values and the teachings of the bible, his name is mamerto menapace. his stories are entertaining and truly beatiful.

  4. I have read one of Beatriz Sarlo´s short stories, "De cabezas rapadas y cintas argentinas" quite interesting and it really depicts the beginning of our "blessed?" educational system in 1920.
    Worthwhile reading.
